About us

Bayam Consulting & Communication GmbH based in Frankfurt am Main has been advising companies, institutions and ministries on all strategic and management related issues since 1998. The principal countries on which we focus are Germany and Turkey.

We are a management consultancy business meeting YOUR EXACT NEEDS, putting together our team of advisors to suit your exact demands. As large as necessary but always as compact as possible in order to work cost-efficiently for you. We pride ourselves on our quick decision-making processes and reaction times.

We speak YOUR LANGUAGE, not technical jargon because our job starts practically and effectively there where our support is most needed.

Our Consultancy Services

Bayam Consulting & Communication GmbH’s consultancy services include company analyses, market and competitor analyses including market development, strategic developments, process optimization, conflict management and corporate communication. We bring suitable business partners and companies together and help there where existing business relationships are floundering. Different communication habits and cultures can create misunderstandings and impede or obstruct the success of business relationships. We are intermediaries, both in a business supporting role and a conflict resolution sense with in-depth knowledge of the economy and culture of both countries and a broad portfolio of influential contacts.

We work across all industries and sectors and regard it as a challenge to develop new business areas for our clients; a challenge we are glad to accept.

From a financial consultancy point of view, we prepare risk and demand assessments and budgets, investigate international financing opportunities and establish and coordinate contacts for our clients.

We develop new markets for you

Apart from the classical management and financial consultancy services, we also take on company representations. We market your products for you there where you yourself can’t, or don’t want to, operate.

We ourselves are also going to be in the German market with B Gents, our own men’s fashion accessories label.

We move products for you

We can help you look for a desired product or for a production site for one of your designs including the complete preparation and coordination of the product sourcing.

What makes Bayam Consulting & Communication a strong partner for Germany and Turkey?

We have a multicultural team with many years’ experience in, and market knowledge of, management consultancy, in particular with respect to German-Turkish trade relations. We have excellent knowledge of the market, outstanding contacts and strong links to leading Turkish companies.

Examples of our Consultancy Practice

  • Management consultancy / financial consultancy advice for a Turkish textiles group on its formation of a company in Germany
  • Conflict management between an international hotel chain and a Turkish hotel investor
  • Advising a Swiss cosmetics group on its market launch/licensing in Turkey
  • Advising a German manufacturer of cosmetic products on its market launch in Turkey
  • Company representation for a manufacturer of special vehicles
  • Company representation for a manufacturer of medical aids
  • Product sourcing Turkish textile products for a leading German textile chain


Bayam Consulting & Communication GmbH

Große Bockenheimer Straße 43
60313 Frankfurt am Main

Telephone: +49 (0) 69 92 03 91 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 69 92 03 91 29
E-mail: info@bayam.de
Web: www.bayam.de


Publisher and operator of this Website:
Bayam Consulting & Communication GmbH
Große Bockenheimer Straße 43
60313 Frankfurt am Main

Telephone: +49 (0) 69 92 03 91 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 69 92 03 91 29
E-mail: info@bayam.de
Web: www.bayam.de

Managing Director: Hulisi Bayam
Registered Office: Frankfurt am Main
Local Court: Frankfurt am Main HRB 45418
Tax Number: 04 522 918 674
VAT Identification Number: DE 195 395 655

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